The Cast

The Cast
Me (Charlie Dennis) In Black T shirt to the right holding the tripod

Friday, 9 March 2012

Some Of Our Previous Tasks Undertaken

This was one of the very first tasks we undertook to get ourselves acquainted to the iMovie editing software and basic camera equipment, just as a bit of fun really. We shot this video and almost turned it into a sort of a quirky music video, so this was very helpful in helping us understand and create our final music video.

This was one of the bigger project we created, albeit slightly different than our music video genre, as this was of the thriller genre. Be that as it may, it was definitely beneficial to our production of our music video as we used a much larger area to film in with a music wider variety of camera angles and required a much larger contextual study and research of the genre, which gave us a definitive indication of what was needed in our final music video. We had to undergo the same sort of though process with this film that was required in our music video, for instance we had to go through rigorous market research to see what was needed and what the conventions were for a good thriller.

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