The Cast

The Cast
Me (Charlie Dennis) In Black T shirt to the right holding the tripod

Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation - Combination of Main Product and Ancillary

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Throughout the year the process of creating the main product of a video and the ancillary tasks have been created side by side. The ancillary tasks were to create a Digipak, magazine article and a website page. These in relation to the music video was a great combination to research and investigate modern media.
The first ancillary task are group undertook was the creation of the digipak, this creation was a interesting product to create because it had so much that could be related with the main product. The theme colour of the digipak was blue this represented tears which combines to the lyrics in the music video. We also found that the digipak was very artistic. Research into many different artists digipaks showed us how creative we can be with it relating it to the main product in many different ways. This is what we did, we also related the digipak to the protagonist in the music video by using a picture of him with effects around it: 

This combination between the digipak and music video was a very good relation to produce ideas for are specific theme and video.

The website also had a great combination between the main product and the creation of the website. It was mainly a good combination due to the thought of different ways to hit the audience with are products. In later days media is becoming the main way to sell your product this could be from sites such as eBay and amazon. Having are own website page would mean that it would bring a wider audience all to one place. The combination that the website has with the creation of the music video his huge because without the website it would be downgrading the potential of audience that we would get with this website. 
To make the video even more popular we have created Facebook and twitter links on the website so the fans could simply follow through either one of these. This would give the website potential to be seen by many different people even famous people.

The magazine article combination with the main product had also had a massive impact on how much media can grab an audience. The combination between the two is that the product we created had to be sold and a magazine article is possibly one of the most effective ways to put across little amounts of important information to the audience.

As you can see from the picture, that are magazine article shows key information of when you can 'pre-order' a copy of the album this is very constructive in relation to selling the main product.

All the ancillary tasks have a massive combination with the main product. They all relate efficiently with the main product which makes them very useful. as an overview we have really enjoyed the ancillary tasks as they surround the main product with advertisement.

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