The Cast

The Cast
Me (Charlie Dennis) In Black T shirt to the right holding the tripod

Saturday, 24 March 2012

VIDEO - Reverse Effect

As we used the reverse effect nearly all the way through the music video we produced, I thought that it would be interesting to test out the effect. I did simple gestures such as eating an apple in reverse so that it looked like the apple was being remade out of my mouth, but just to make it a bit more interesting I filmed the whole thing with me walking backwards, so when it was in reverse it would look like i was walking towards the camera. This was a very fun but simple task to do. However, during the actual production of our final music video, putting the video in reverse was tricky as I then had to swap each individual clip from first to last in the order of the editing screen as otherwise the whole video would start at the end. Also, if we had any diagetic dialogue in the video, this would have to be dubbed over as the dialogue would appear in reverse.

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