Pop Culture is a song produced by Madeon who is a 17 year old making his way to fame the video for this song is very catchy and different.
The genre is of dance, this comes out of the blue, when a male dancer (protagonist), dressed as a casual/ odd everyday office worker starts to dance in many different places doing the same funky dance, that represents how he is not bothered of what people think of him. This is conventional for a Pop video because it makes you want to dance which a pop video should do. The confidence of the protagonist makes others believe in them selves constantly pushing for a dance this helps achieve the purpose of a pop video.
Throughout the video the camera angle is set on a medium shot, to fit the different backgrounds and the dance moves in. This is effective because you can see the dance clearly and have enough background image to tell the different places. When this becomes tedious it starts, stop motion shots to make the audience still intrigued and make the video slightly different.
The music suits the video because the music is in the genre of dance, seeing this (funky) male dancer do enjoyable and strangely experienced dance moves to target the audience and make them feel like joining in.
Another song he has done recently is this, with his songs it tends to more of a hip-hop sound to it.
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